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What To Do About a Fire Department Citation

Fire Department Citation Corrections for Local Atlanta Businesses

Are you dealing with an uncorrected fire department citation that needs quick and professional attention?

Receiving a violation or citation from your Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) can seem daunting. Are there penalties or fines? How much will it cost if I don’t get this citation fixed right away?

Rest assured that your AHJ is just making sure you facility is safe for all employees and visitors to your building. They are not out to get you.

Why are citations given?

Fire code enforcement protects property and saves lives. There are fire safety codes to which your business must adhere. These codes vary by city, county, and state.

Citations are given to businesses that are in violation of these fire codes. Blocked exits, missing emergency lighting, or faulty sprinkler systems are all examples of dangerous violations.

If a violation was found at your business, the Fire Marshal will give you a date (for example 30 days) in which you have to have your systems back in compliance.

It’s important to contact your fire protection company immediately so that repairs can be made in a timely manner. Your fire protection company should be able to schedule repairs and put your business back in compliancy.

What are some common code violations?

Common fire code violations include:

  • Annual Fire Extinguisher Maintenance—When was the last time your Fire Extinguishers were inspected?
  • Annual Flow Test & Dry Pipe Valve Trip Test of the Fire Sprinkler System – When was the last time your Fire Sprinkler System or Fire Pump was inspected?
  • Annual Exit & Emergency Lighting Inspections—When was the time your E-lights were inspected?
  • Semi-Annual Restaurant Fire System Maintenance—Has it been more than 6 months since your Restaurant Fire Suppression System was inspected?
  • Annual Fire Alarm Inspection—Is it time to have a complete Fire Alarm Inspection? Is your fire alarm system monitored?
  • Quarterly Fire Sprinkler Inspections—When was the last quarterly inspection of your fire sprinkler system?

Choosing a fire protection company to handle your citation 

Fire Systems, Inc. is familiar with the language and codes used by your Fire Marshal, and we understand exactly what is necessary and required to promptly remove and fix the citation. This quick action will satisfy your AHJ and local fire department. Repairing violations also provides better fire protection for your employees and facility. One call to our service department and we’ll start resolving your violations and citations.

Fire Systems Inc. has long standing relationships with the local AHJ’s, fire inspectors, and fire departments. This allows us to reach out and determine exactly what they are looking for if the language is confusing.

Our team at Fire Systems has decades of experience understanding and correcting citations and violations for local businesses in the Metro Atlanta area as well as the entire state of Georgia. For fast on-site service for your Georgia business, call Fire Systems, Inc. We help business owners, property managers, facility managers, and responsible parties keep their fire protection systems compliant with the local and state fire codes.

Did Your Atlanta business receive a citation? Call us at 770-333-7979 or visit our website. We make it easy for you to stay in compliance.

Fire Systems, Inc. is Atlanta’s complete source for Inspections, Service, Repairs, and Fire Department Citation Corrections.
Complete Source for:

Fire Sprinkler Systems
Fire Pumps
Fire Alarm Systems
Vehicle Fire Suppression Systems
Fire Extinguishers
Industrial Fire Suppression Systems
Clean Agent Fire Suppression Systems
Exit and Emergency Lights

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