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New Legislation Upgrades Georgia’s Fire Stations and Improves Public Safety

fire station

A closeup shot of a firetruck with an open door and a blurred background

The Fire Station Improvement Act of 2022 aims to “repair, modify, or improve fire stations, fire training facilities, and other similar facilities.” Introduced by Senator John Ossoff and Senator Josh Hawley on July 13th, 2022, this bipartisan bill expands the eligible uses of fire assistance grant funds. Here are some ways this legislation may impact city fire departments in your area. 

What the Bill Entails

With this bill, Section 33(c)(3)(J) of the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974 is amended to read:

“USE OF GRANT FUNDS.—Each entity receiving a grant under this subsection shall use the grant for one or more of the following purposes:

To repair, modify, or improve fire stations, fire training facilities, and other similar facilities—

  1. to improve the functionality of those facilities; or
  2. to protect the health and safety of firefighting personnel.”

A grant is a form of federal financial assistance. According to Kenneth Steubing, president of the International Association of Fire Chiefs, “many fire stations across the nation are more than 40 years old and require updates to safety and health codes and equitable workspace.” The passing of this legislation will enable fire departments to use grants to improve fire stations and better protect the safety and help of firefighters and the general public alike.

How This Will Affect Georgia Firefighters

The Fire Station Improvement Act of 2022 will help make sure that Georgia’s fire officials have the resources and facilities that they need to effectively protect their communities. Improving the functionality of each local facility is important in improving the efficiency of each fire department’s operations.

With the enactment of this bill, Senator Ossof shares that “this bill will help Georgia’s heroic firefighters upgrade their facilities to the highest standards.

What This Means for Georgia Businesses

When it comes to putting out fires, every second is crucial. As fire departments grow to be more efficient, there will likely be a decrease in response time. This is good news for Georgia businesses, as the shorter the response time, the less damage and destruction the fires will have time to cause. 

News coverage reports that Ossoff hopes this bipartisan bill will ensure that “every family and every community in Georgia is served by fire and rescue services.”

Take the Next Step

As with any new legislation, it may be some time before the effects of the Fire Station Improvement Act of 2022 are felt. Despite this potential delay in effect, there are steps that facility managers can take immediately to ensure the fire-readiness of their building(s). 

Take time to ensure that every aspect of your facility’s fire safety equipment is up to code and functioning properly. If you are unsure whether or not your business is adequately prepared to handle a fire, contact Fire Systems, Inc.

Fire Systems, Inc.

In business since 1986, Fire Systems, Inc is Atlanta’s go-to for all things fire safety. Whether fire suppression, alarms, sprinklers, inspection, installation, monitoring, exit lighting, extinguishers, vehicle fire systems, or beyond, our highly trained technicians are at your service. Visit our website or give us a call today at (770) 333-7979 for any of your fire protection needs.

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