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Projects in Progress: Fire Systems Resolves Low Water Pressure Problem for Major Automobile Manufacturing Plant

fire sprinkler system

After a large automobile manufacturing plant underwent an insurance audit that found deficiencies in their existing fire sprinkler system, they went in search of a fire protection company to both update and expand their current system to cover areas in need of protection.

The plant was dissatisfied with the solutions provided by their current fire protection company, so they reached out to Fire Systems, Inc. for a second opinion. After further investigation, Fire Systems discovered additional issues that required changes and upgrades to the existing sprinkler system. In the end, Fire Systems was able to resolve a water pressure issue that was hindering the safety and compliance of the warehouse.

Providing Solutions

Once Fire Systems came up with a solution, it was late December of 2019. Fire Systems presented options to achieve the desired results.

“The plant was not completely protected by a fire sprinkler system including several large areas and three special buffing machines. The job was a challenge because the current sprinkler system was at its maximum capacity and would need to be expanded. The water pressure was low, and the plant was in full operation,” said Rick.

In January of 2020, Fire Systems was contacted by a corporate engineer from Minnesota who was now in charge of the project. After numerous rounds of discussions and meetings, modifications to the scope of work, the project was awarded to Fire Systems.

Upgrades & Expansion  

Fire Systems was able to devise a plan and install all aspects of the upgraded sprinkler system. The purchase order was issued, and the design began in late January of 2020. The design and materials were completed, and the installation began with a March 31, 2020, completion deadline.

Fire Systems employees installed a larger water storage tank, replaced the main diesel fire pump, and upgraded the overhead sprinklers to ESFR (Early Suppression, Fast Response) to protect the class of materials stored in the warehouse. The job also included installing 100 new sprinklers to protect areas of the plant that didn’t have a sprinkler system. Additionally, Fire Systems techs added new risers and modifications to the existing risers, and boosted the water pressure by using the existing fire pump located in another building approximately 300 feet away.

“The project was finished on time during the early weeks of the COVID 19 outbreak. This was Phase I of a four-part phase plan that would carry through 2020. Phase II began March 2020 with the issuance of another purchase order,” said Rick. The entire project has now completed.

Future with Fire Systems, Inc.

Fire Systems will now work with this major manufacturer to maintain their upgraded sprinkler system by conducting regular inspections and making repairs and modifications as needed. As a company in business for 35 years, it’s Fire Systems’ expertise and knowledge of the fire protection industry as whole that sets this company apart. From design to install, inspection to repair, Fire Systems provides solutions for any fire protection need. Contact us today at 770-333-7979 or visit our website for more information.

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