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How to Prepare for the Inspection of your Fire Protection Systems during the Coronavirus

fire protection systems

Do you have an annual inspection of your fire protection systems coming up soon? The safety of your employees and facility are important to you. During this pandemic, it’s critical to keep both your business and employees safe.

Thankfully, businesses providing life and safety services, like Fire Systems, Inc., are able to provide lifesaving services, even at this time. We have made changes to our policies and procedures to ensure the safety of your building and all employees. We know things are tough right now and we know the continuity of your business is of utmost importance. For this reason, we encourage our customers to keep all regularly scheduled inspections and necessary repairs.

Your facility will still be standing through this pandemic, and after. Our job to protect that facility now. If you’re due for an inspection or require repairs to your existing fire protection system, here are some tips on how you can prepare for your visit during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Communicate your updated company procedures 

It’s important that Fire Systems’ techs understand any policy changes put in place by our customers. A major change in our response to COVID-19 is to comply with whatever policies the customers are putting in place, which is different for each and every company. This communication is essential.

It is helpful for techs if customers can send out instructions ahead of time so that policy changes can be made aware to the technicians before their visit. Some customers alert techs upon arrival to changes, but it’s best if we can make techs aware of new procedures ahead of time. So, if you have an upcoming inspection, try to get out any policy changes to the company before the tech is set to arrive.

Preparing for the technician  

Some companies have most if not all employees working remotely from home. This is actually ideal for techs to conduct inspections since there would be little to no human contact. If this is the case for your company, simply arrange a way for the tech to the enter the building while it’s empty. Inspections and repairs can still be performed. Leave techs with a good contact number with which to communicate when they will arrive and when the inspection or repairs are completed. If you have a contact person in place to meet the tech upon arrival, please give as many details as possible as to where to meet so that a six-foot distance can be maintained.

In regard to actual inspection procedures, there have been no changes made by the company thus far.

Expect enhanced safety measures

Like so many other essential businesses, Fire Systems has made extensive changes to the policies and procedures for all employees, especially techs who are in the field on a regular basis. We’re using CDC guidelines along with some individualized policies that are unique to our company.

“The biggest changes we have made are the guidelines that everyone is starting to follow,” explains Adam W., Fire Alarm Service Manager for Fire Systems, Inc. “We are encouraging techs to keep their distance from everyone, including other employees.” This separation in-house is an extra layer of protection Fire Systems is putting into place.

To ensure employees keep a safe distance, we’ve set up staging areas, isolating the office staff from the field staff. Typically, the techs who work in the field would enter the office space and the office staff would visit the warehouse. By isolating areas, the company is limiting exposure even further for those critical employees who are out servicing systems and conducting needed repairs during this time.

Another new set of guidelines involves protective wear. Again, per the CDC, Fire Systems is supplying techs with hand sanitizer, masks, and gloves. If techs cannot access an area to wash their hands regularly while on-site, they are still equipped with appropriate protective measures like sanitizer.

Keeping up with inspections and repairs

This time is challenging for everyone. Many business owners are taking a hit, and we get it. While the challenges of this pandemic are only temporary, the impact felt by business owners and their employees is significant. Fire Systems wants to be able to provide their life saving services in the safest and easiest way possible for our customers who are already going through so much right now.

Fire Systems already has an existing infrastructure that automatically reminds customers of upcoming inspections electronically. All reports and invoices are also filed and sent electronically. This paperless and contact-less system allows us to continue to offer our services to our valued customers.

Fire protection is an essential service, and one that’s absolutely critical at all times. Your facility should stay protected. Keep up with your building’s fire alarm system/monitoring, fire sprinkler and suppression systems. These measures are there to protect when you’re not there.  These are unpredictable times; have peace of mind that at least your facility is protected. Call Fire Systems, Inc. today at 770-333-7979 or visit our website for more information. And if you have any questions about our updated policies and procedures regarding the inspection process, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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